New Boss

A few of you know that my work has had some periods of adjustment lately. Nothing bad, I just haven't had a boss since October 2007. Some of you would say "Why are you complaining?". I'm not complaining. I'm fortunate that my old boss gave me the training I would need to carry out my job and hers in the event that she resigned or something else happened to her. At first everything was going great. Then the busy time kicked in and I started doing things I had never had to actually do (like multiple presentations to directors, board members and the president of the company). I had always helped prepare them, but I never actually had to do the presenting OR the defending of my suggestions for the company. Needless to say, things were great for October and half of November. In November things picked up and I found myself running constantly trying to do 2 peoples jobs. It got old quick. I was beginning to wonder if we would ever hire anyone, ever! I was also getting burnt out.

I can now say (with a huge smile on my face) that I have a new boss and she is wonderful. She is different from Claire (old boss) and that isn't good or bad, just different. I feel we will get along very well and she is focused on helping me continue to grow in the field of HR. We had a great conversation on her first day here and she has already given me some great things to do to learn more about HR and to become more involved with other HR professionals. I am so thankful that God directed her to this company.