
I have always thought that I had a gift for probably over explaining how I felt about things. I could probably be a little too open with my feelings, usually it was when I was sad more than when I was happy, but all the same. I was never a very secretive person.

I read a LOT of blogs...I'm probably a little bit of a stalker. I have about 66 blogs saved on my computer. I check all of them every day...since right now I actually have some down time. Some are people I've grown up with at church, some are new friends that I've met since being an adult and others are Cerebral Palsy families who we have met since Ella has been diagnosed.

As I read all of the blogs I realize something...honesty is a big deal. People really want honesty. Whether it's the honesty of a mother's broken heart or the funny things that happen to someone on a weekly basis. When I'm reading blogs I find myself skipping over the posts that seem to complain...it's hard to read about constant complaints. However, if someone is being raw about their emotions or excited about something going on then it's so great to read about it. I hope as you read my blog that you see my raw emotion. Whether it's about my struggles and joys of raising a child who has cerebral palsy or the fears and uncertainty of adding another person to our family...I hope you hear my honesty. Life is hard. God told us it would be. Whether you follow Him or not, life is going to be hard...and at times it's going to be unbearable (but if you ARE a true believer in the one true God then you have a hope that no one else will have). I appreciate it when people struggle out loud so that others can learn from their lives.

I hope my blog brings a little bit of light to your life and that it's a place you enjoy coming to read and look at pictures of our crazy lives. May you see Christ in everything that we do.