
I have realized that I haven't updated on a few things...so here are some items to keep you up to date on the Mitchells:
  • William MAY not be here next Tuesday. To save you a lot of details, my cervix isn't ready. We are going to recheck it on Monday (1.21), if everything looks good then we will induce on Tuesday (1.22)...if my doctor feels that we aren't ready to go then he'll schedule for the following week. I'm really ready to have Will here, but I don't want to do anything that will cause him any stress. The biggest difference for my inducement is that the doctor wants to wait till the VERY end to break my water so that there isn't any chance of infection.
  • Will's room is ready...well, pretty ready. Thanks to our friends we have gotten a lot of decorative stuff and this past weekend we went and finished making sure that we got everything we could possibly need. I'll upload some pictures and let you know how it looks.
  • Ella hasn't had anything by tube in the past 1.5 weeks!! We have given her everything by mouth...which has been both a relief and a challenge. It's a lot of monitoring and we have to pace her and make sure she is swallowing very well while she's eating. We are still doing our VitalStim, but looking to stop with it and just work on oral motor skills. We had a swallow study yesterday to compare to the very first one we did and she's looking really well.
  • She's also started waving. It's a little delayed and looks a little rough, but it's so fun to watch her wave and then wait to be praised for doing a good job. She really loves the attention.
  • Oh, I'm doing good with the virus. I'm not in as much pain as I was and I feel a lot better. I'm not really sure how you know when you aren't sick anymore, but I'm sticking to the "lots of fluid, Tylenol and some rest".
  • BIG NEWS: My brother-in-law, Michael (married to my sister Sara), is back from Iraq. Some of you keep up with their blog, but just to catch you all up...he landed today at Ft. Hood in Kileen (about 2.5 hours from Dallas). Sara is on Cloud 9 and couldn't be any happier than to have her husband and her son in the same place...and Mike doesn't have to go back overseas!! After 15 months the Witschorke family is back together again.