Growing up we were SPOILED on our birthdays. We were given birthday months...since each of us were born in a separate month...even our parents. We had birthday parties galore, got to pick where we ate lunch after church, and our grandparents made sure EVERYONE got presents, not just the birthday person. It was a HUGE deal. As I've gotten older I've tried to recreate this for myself. In 2003 (for those of you who remember) it was a birthday week of celebrations...including all the 4th of July festivities and a dual birthday with my friend Kent (who at the time had a roommate named Joe Mitchell...whom I barely knew). The following year we spent the weekend at a wedding for the Sinclairs and then Joe and I spent some time in beautiful Graham, TX. Since having a child I have realized that MY birthday isn't as important as I once thought. I spent months thinking about Ella's birthday party...and barely remembered that mine was coming up. Last year Ella was so sick that we didn't do anything on my birthday after taking her to the doctor and watching her closely (she'd only been home a month). This year was perfect. I spent time with friends, my family, and my daughter is so much healthier this year than last...which is my true wish when blowing out my candles.
Here are some pictures from Saturday lunch with girlfriends Maggie and Jennifer (who came in from Louisiana, but not for my birthday).

And here are some pictures from my dinner with family (missing Drew and Mike). Micah was funny...trying to steal my cake. It was just a good end to a great celebration.

29 is going to be a great year. I have an amazing husband, a healthy and happy baby girl, and we will welcome our 2nd child this year. Sara's husband, Mike, will come home...and the Witschorke family will be whole again. Ella will continue to amaze us with her development. And hopefully most of all God will be glorified through our lives.