One Crazy Weekend...

So this past weekend was supposed to be filled with fun girl time at my friend's parents lake house and the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill concert Sunday night. I had been looking forward to this past weekend for about 3 weeks. So Friday night, Laura and I headed out to Tool, TX to meet up with the rest of the girls. We had a great evening and I crashed around 11:30 pm. I woke up at 3:30 Saturday morning with a pain so intense in my stomach that I passed out and busted my lip and hit my head. OUCH!!! I then crawl back into bed and hope the pain passes. Nope. I wake my friend up who realizes instantly that something is wrong. Laura goes to get Kristin C. while Juanita, who I barely know, carries/drags me to the bathroom because I am about to be sick. Kristin has no idea where the closest hospital is so she calls 911 for an ambulance. The EMT's get there, press on my stomach and tell me that they can take me to a small clinic in Gun Barrrel City. Had I not been in so much pain, I might not have willingly gone to the clinic. So 30 minutes later I'm at the clinic being poked, prodded, blood drawn, and everything else for about an hour. Finally a doctor come in and says she needs to do a CAT Scan and I need to drink some liquid contrast so that the CAT scan will show what's going on and it will be 2 hours before the CAT scan can be done. Huh? Okay, Can I have some food? No. Okay, Can I have some water? No, because in the event that we have to do surgery you can't have anything in your stomach. WHAT?!?! I did not sign up for this. So I get my CAT scan and I'm told I have a kidney infection, urinary tract infection, several ovarian cysts and endometriosis. Here is your prescription for the infection, drink lots of water and call your OBGYN Monday. Uh, Thanks.

So Saturday night I'm home in my own bed with my husband taking great care of me when I spike a fever of 101-102 and the pain comes back in full force. So here it is 11:30 pm Saturday night and Bryan and I are going back to the ER. At least this time it is at Plano Medical Center and not some tiny clinic in Gun Barrel City, TX. We get there and I get to see the doctor who begins asking me what the clinic did. I tell him and he asks if they did a few other things and I said no. Okay, he wants to get another CAT scan to make sure it's not my appendix that was missed by the clinic. The good news was that I didn't have to drink more contrast. So I go for my CAT scan have more blood drawn and then Bryan and I wait for a couple of hours. The good doctor comes back in and says that I have no kidney infection, my bladder and appendix are fine and my urinary tract infection is very mild. However, the pain I am experiencing is from 1 large cyst on my right ovary that is causing all my pain. I have another cyst, but it's on the other side where I have no pain. So he gives me some pain meds (Thank you good doctor) and tells me to call my OBGYN and come back if the pain continues. So Sunday I spent the day in bed and Monday I was able to go to work with very little discomfort. I am still waiting on my OBGYN to call me so I can set up an appointment, but I am feeling much better. Thank you for all the prayers.