If you would like to help...

I received the following email from our Preschool Department at church. If you feel led to contribute then there is information to do so. I know that many of you know how difficult it can be to care for any child, having to give up everything for a sick child has to be twice the stress.

Linda was born with cystic fibrosis and has been in our ministry since she was a baby. Her mother, Patty, has raised Linda and her two older sisters (Diana and Josy) as a single parent. Now Linda is in kindergarten, and she needs a lung transplant. Patty and Linda have to move to Houston to be ready for the transplant as soon as a lung becomes available. Diana and Josy must move to Tennessee to live with their father. Patty cannot work in Houston because she must care for Linda and be ready at moment's notice for the lung transplant. This puts a major stress on their family, not only emotionally and physically, but especially financially.

The Preschool Ministry has the opportunity to donate money to a Benevolence Fund for Linda and her family. If you would like to contribute to the fund, contact the Preschool Ministry at 214.969.2432 or any Preschool staff member that you see at FBC. Checks can be made out to FBC Benevolence with "preschool VBS offering" in the memo. Linda's website is http://www.caringbridge.org/la/linda/ if you want to check it out!Please spread the word, keep them in your prayers!