(Pictures are from last night's dinner session)

Well, we went this morning (traffic on 635 at 7:30am is a WHOLE story of itself!) and had the tube taken out. You may ask what the doctor said...grrr, nothing. We are waiting for the report so we'd love for you to "wait" with us. We may not know as late as this Friday. It seems like we are getting further and further from surgery, but I think that may be my motherly-hopeful heart. As soon as we get the pH results back then our pediatrician will talk to a pulmonologist.

I just got off the phone with our GI doctor (bc Ella has been spitting up a lot this afternoon) and the nurse said we should have the report tomorrow.

I'll tell you (whomever you are...ha) that I am NOT a patient person. I'm not good being behind a slow driver and I really stink at waiting for doctors to get back to me. I know they have tons of patients, but it's hard to sit at home and hold a child knowing that they have the report sitting on their desk! I am on my knees and waiting to hear from God what our next step will be. Lucky for all of us, we aren't in control, we are just to listen and do...that kind of makes our job easy if you think about it.

I love this verse for Ella...because some day she will do all of these things, either here or in heaven: "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31

(These pictures were from Target this morning after the doctor...Grandma Mitchell and Mommy put her in this bonnet because we thought it was funny. And yes, she still had her pjs was that kind of a morning.)