Phone Call from Dr. Brown (G.I. doc) Today

"Hi, Mrs. Mitchell. This is Dr. Brown. I was just calling with your test results. The good news is that I don't think Miss Elizabeth has a whole lot of reflux going on so that is a good thing. There is no esophagitis on her biopsy so I think she'll be able to get a simple gastrostomy tube without a nissen. I'll be calling and talking with Dr. Roden and you'll want to call him bright and early tomorrow morning to get something set up."

Dr. Roden is the pediatric surgeon. I'm pleased with this report. I'm still a little weary about doing the surgery and I'll find out a lot more from our pediatrician tomorrow. Please be in prayer that there not end up being ANY surgeries. This is already looking a lot better than where we were a week ago...God is faithful and amazing even when we have wavering faith.