Snow Fun!

What an exciting week last week! According to Dallas weather-people, we had a record breaking snow. Apparently the last time this happened was 32 years ago. Now, when I lived in Arkansas you were guaranteed to see snow like this at least 2-3 times a year. So I enjoyed it alot. All the kids in our neighborhood REALLY enjoyed it. You could hear kids' laughter all day long, see snowmen, snow forts (I should have gotten a picture of that) and snow animals. It was fun to see all the creativity in people's yards. So, hear are some pictures from our yard. Enjoy!

Backyard/pool area

side of house

my friend's car (she was i Cambodia on a mission trip and missed all the fun)

.... snapping under pressure

my hubby's a little sad about this. He had just trimmed the trees exactly the way he wanted them last summer and now he has to chop off more then he would like to.

In my hubby's words: stupid snow!

before you shriek at me for taking my daughter outside w/o a coat, please know that she refused to put her coat on, but insisted on screaming to go outside. I'm all about learning life's lessons, so off she went w/o a coat.

she was not a fan

see... lesson learned. She gave me no problems in putting on her coat the 2nd time around!

likes it better on the sidewalk, probably b/c her feet stayed more dry!

she had fun saying SNOW! over and over again.

Good times!

more fun!

a little distracted by the kids playing in the snow

my sweet little angel!