February Ramblings

Well, I started to write a few weeks ago and just haven't sat down and done it. I'd say I've been really busy, but with Kristie here to help I don't really have a good excuse.

Last time I was writing I just spent the weekend with a family who is very dear to me, the Neff's. Lesa and I have been friends for so long now that I'm not sure how it started or exactly when...somewhere in my 9th or 10th grade year...so like 15 years ago...wow. Lesa's grandmother passed away and so I joined them for the service, burial and family time afterwards. It was so great to be with them, but so sad to see their hearts broken. I hope at my funeral my grandchildren and children remember me as lovingly...and that my love for Christ stands out more than anything else, just as her's did.

I also got to see a dear friend, Alyssa Byrd. To me she'll probably always be Alyssa Margrave, but that's what happens when you know your friends before they are married. Alyssa and I met about 10 years ago when we were both going through a rough time. We've lived in different states more than we've lived near each other, but I consider her a "heart friend". I was pregnant with Will the same time she was pregnant with her Sydney and we were supposed to deliver within days of each other, she lost her baby girl a couple of months before we were due and my heart still grieves for her family. Alyssa and I got to hang out at the park with our kids and just catch up on some face time. It was good to hear her voice and see her smile and laugh. I pray God's goodness over that family.

While spending time with so many amazing girlfriends lately I've been reminded of who I am in Christ. I have always struggled to accept myself. I've never been very confident and never loved my earthly body, but I'm beginning to love myself more as a daughter of the one true God...pretty amazing that I'm made in the image of God, Christ, AND the Holy Spirit! Now, if I can just pass the values of Christ on to my daughter.

Speaking of Ella...she makes us more proud every day. We are working with her gait trainer and a few weeks ago she took 7 steps in a row...PRAISE GOD. She practices twice a week till she gets better at it, then we'll start working on it at home. It's a lot of work and takes 2 adults to get her to get going. She had a hearing test today, they are a little concerned, although she technically passed all of her tests. We are going to re-test again in April and then possibly do a sedated test after that. There is some concern that there is damage or some hearing loss...typical with meningitis.

Will is ALL over the place. Right now he has double ear infections (which does effect his sleeping) but otherwise he's SO much fun. It's amazing to see the difference in my children. Will wants to be climbing and running and pushing and playing all the time. He is slightly moody and doesn't quite understand the word "no". Discipline is harder than I thought, but we are sticking with it because the Bible tells us to.

My heart is taking a beating for Ella lately. Our pastor has reminded me that Ella's condition isn't about me, it isn't about our family, it's about the glory it brings the Lord. That's hard to remember, but through scripture I'm reminded daily what is really important.

Speaking of scripture, Joe and I are working on learning our scripture to earn a free cruise at the end of this year. The real reward is actually having so much of the Word in our hearts, but it's nice to see an earthly reward as well. I've already recited 35 verses...and I'm loving every minute of it!!

People ask what's new with us and I'm at a loss. Not really a whole lot...it seems. I feel like they want to hear something big like "Ella's walking" or "she said her first word", but I can't say either of those right now.

Joe and I just celebrated our 6th Valentine's Day together (5 married) and it was wonderful. I am the luckiest girl in the world...and I thank God for my family every day!!