Brain and Eyes...check (with pictures)

Well, Ella went to the Neuro-Ophthalmologist today and it went really well. They said that she has actually improved since the last visit (October 2008). He said the he couldn't diagnose her with Ocular Motor Apraxia, which was what they were thinking she would be diagnosed with. She did a good job of tracking objects from side to side and up, but we are still struggling with looking down (without moving the head). He reviewed her EEG from last November and said it looked good since there were no obvious seizures, but after looking at her MRI from July of 2007 he noticed that her optic nerves are small. He didn't really say if it was going to make a difference in her vision. A lot of it will depend on how she learns to cope with her vision, responses, processing time, and physical limitations. We will continue her vision therapy, both through the school district, with occupational therapy, and just around the house. We will visit with the doctor again in the Fall and they are looking at doing something similar to the EEG, but for optical reasons...who knows what all that means. We are thankful that it isn't anything serious at this point and we can continue along our usual path to help Ella. Thank you so much for your prayer...they are answered daily!