Mommy's Day Out

Before Audrey was born, B & I decided that while I was on maternity leave I wouldn't disturb him during the night Sunday through Thursday unless I was at my wits end, and he would take "Audrey night duty" Friday & Saturday so that I could get some rest. Well this past week Audrey has been a real stinker at night and has decided that she can stay awake until 4:00 am. Not so fun for me. So last night she finally got it together (probably the newness of being in her room all by herself) and only woke up to eat which B was Johnny -on -the -spot at getting so I had a great night. In addition to that he took Audrey with him this afternoon so that I could get some peace and quiet! I just love that man! So incredibly sweet of him. So now I am off to do some shopping, get a mani/pedi, eat (yes, by myself--- I love to do this!), and do whatever strikes me! Yeah!!!!

Daddy/Daughter time!!!