A big night....

Before Audrey was born I had decided that she was only going to sleep in our room for 6 weeks. Now 9 weeks later (I can't believe that!), she is finally going to sleep in her own bed in her room all by herself! We can still here her with the monitor, but at least now I won't cringe if we cough or sneeze during the night and I won't lunge over B to turn the alarm off so that it doesn't wake Audrey up. She's growing up! I'll let you know how this milestone turns out. I know it's a much bigger deal for me then Audrey. She could care less where she sleeps once she is a sleep. Oh, and for anyone out there who thinks I am traumatizing my child by putting her in an environment she isn't used to, I have had her taking naps in there during the day for the last week so it won't be a huge shock. Enjoy the pictures of the independent Audrey!