Where did this come from???

A few people who read my blog have asked where the bedding came from. So here it is:
Pottery Barn! Everything except the furniture, the glitter wall hangings by the window (Babies R Us) and the letters on the wall (Hobby Lobby) came from Pottery Barn, even the bedding on the twin bed in the room came from Pottery Barn. The paint is a Pottery Barn paint that we bought at Elliot's Hardware stores (Pear Green is the color). I saw a picture in the PB magazine and knew it was exactly what I wanted. I wasn't a huge fan of a lot of pink ( I am fine with accents in pink) so purple was the best thing for me and B agreed with the color choices. It is pretty decently priced as well. I think everything was under $500-$600. I can't remember b/c my in laws bought the crib bedding and B and I bought the twin bedding. The furniture came from Babies R Us (thank you again mom and dad), but it is on back order for several months. We are still waiting on the conversion pieces that won't be in until September. Good thing she won't need them for a while. So there you have it. The whole scoop on her bedroom decor. Also, the canvas bags I want for her toys and books are from Pottery Barn as well, I just haven't gone up to get them!