Practice Run 1......and 2

So yesterday was an eventful day. Very busy at work (too busy) and went through the majority of the morning before I realized I had not felt Audrey move. Not the norm for Audrey at all. So I call my doctor and she says to drink some orange juice. (Thanks L for getting this for me!). I down 2 cups of OJ and still nothing! So off to labor & delivery I went. A few hours, plenty of movements/heartbeat and CONTRACTIONS later I was sent home. Nothing major, no worries, all was good.
I had a doctor appointment today that has ended with me being admitted for an overnight stay in the hospital and if all is good continued bed rest for a few more days. If not, we get baby sooner! I'm not sure how I feel at this point. Everything has been a whirlwind the past 24 hours. On one hand, I'm ready for her to be here. On the other, I know it would be good for her to "bake" a few more days. I'm trying to be patient, but I am not looking forward to bed rest (at home or at the hospital!).
Anyway, that's all the exciting news so far. I'll post more soon!