Presenting....William Cutler Mitchell

William was born today at 7:51 pm ,7 lb 10 oz, 21 inches. He and mom are both doing great. Andrea did great in labor and made is look as easy as baking cookies. At this time we would like ask that you wait to visit until they have had a chance to settle and have some quality time as a family. I will post as soon as they are ready for visitors. If you would like to send flowers you can either send them c/o the 8th floor post pardum nurses station at Medical City Dallas or you can send them to the house. They should me going home on Thursday, however they are running a 48 hour round of antibiotics on Will to prevent him from any possibility of going through what Ella went through. Also I would like to request no Lillie since Andrea's allergy's have very low tolerance for strong fragrant flowers. The Mitchell's appreciate all of your prayers and thoughts over this time. Here are a few pictures I took and I am sure Andrea will post more once she is up and moving around.

In His Grip- Sara