A Johnson Christmas

Bryan and I celebrated Christmas this year with his family. We had a wonderful time. It is so great to spend time with family and to be able to relax. We had great food and lots of it! The best thing for me though was spending time with family, oh and sleeping in!
I realize that Bryan and I are blessed to have two sets of loving parents who support us no matter what. The holidays for me are a great time of family togetherness and some of our friends don't have that. For them, the holidays are filled with bickering, fighting and stress. It makes going to visit family a chore, not a blessing.

Christmas isn't just about family and presents. Although Bryan was telling me a story about a little girl who when asked about what Christmas was to her, her response was something like this: " We celebrate Jesus everyday at our house, so Christmas really is all about the presents!". I laughed so hard when he told me that.
Christmas to me is a reminder of what Jesus's life began as and what he was put on this earth to do. For me. For all of us. I admit that sometimes I get lost in the hustle and bustle of shopping and parties. We went to a Christmas Eve service Monday and although it was a little different, I was reminded of the true meaning of Christmas.

Over the past few weeks God has really stretched me and I have been able to turn to him easier now, then in the past. I am so glad he chose this time to stretch me because whenever I see Christmas items, I am reminded of what Christmas means to me.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I'll post pictures once we download them from the camera!