Five on a Friday

It's the last Friday of the summer before the kids go back to school. Hubby has taken the day off from work and we're going to take the kids ice skating. I know ice skating in the summer sounds crazy, but it's been soooo hot here in Austin that you need to find indoor activities or risk melting. Literally. Applying make-up is sometimes useless because if you're outside for more than 5 seconds, it runs right off your face.

So before we venture out the door for our play date, I thought I'd leave you with "Five on a Friday." Here we go!

1.  Check out this amazing silent auction that BEYOND LUCKY author Sarah Aronson is hosting at her Beyond Revision blog.  There's a full novel critique with Sarah Aronson, a nonfiction critique with Tanya Lee Stone, a conversation with literary agent Sarah Davies, a critique with Dial executive editor Liz Waniewski, and so much more!!

2.  If you haven't participated in the 2011 WRITEONCON conference held from Aug 16-18 then head over to their blog and read some of the posts. And if you like what you see consider a small donation! It allows them to keep organizing these amazing events. 

3. If you haven't signed up the Austin SCBWI symposium/workshop Storytelling in the Digital Age than do so today! Seriously. How can you navigate the world of children's literature without staying on the cutting edge of technology and the new doors springing open for children's writers and illustrators. Embrace the change people!

4.  You must check out New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Leitich Smith's weekly round-up at her blog Cynsations. It's a wrap-up of some of the best interviews and posts in the cyber kidlit world not to mention all her links to Giveaways!!

5.  And above all as you embark on your weekend don't forget to carve out some time and write. Even if it's in 10 minute spurts or chunks. Do it! Write and listen to your muse. It's what sustains us people. Even when what we write sometimes sucks. Young Adult novelist Libba Bray said at the SCBWI 2011 Summer Conference, "Embrace the Suck...We have to get it wrong before we can get it right!"