About Time!

What a way to end a several month long blogging hiatus! I'll be honest. My blogging days are few and far between. I'm okay with that. I have let go of the guilt that plagued me b/c I didn't blog often... ok, at all.
So, below you will find some of Audrey's 3 year pictures. Yes, they are a month late. Again, I'm okay with that.
I went to Picture People this time and I have to admit I'm on the fence with them. I can only compare them to Portrait Innovations (where I got her 18 month pics done). I really like the pictures they did and the photographer was nice and patient (a much needed quality), but it just seems that I got alot more pictures at Portrait Innovations for a little more money then I spent today. I had a coupon and that is what lead me to Picture People. I don't know. This is not important to you, I just am thinking out loud.

Enjoy the pictures.

This doesn't even look like Audrey to me.

There's the smile I know and love!

So cute!

We got a lot of these kind of pictures. She doesn't stand still well.

I'm tired of smiling on command.

My absolute favorite picture!