May 11th

Last year I wrote a recap of May 11, 2006. I think about that day so often, because not a week goes by that I don't have to recite it for a doctor or explain "what happened" to someone. I have realized that each of us, my family, have their own Cliffnotes for that day. My mom remembers getting the phone call that Ella was failing and that everyone needed to say goodbye, I remember odd details and they change over time. May 10th changed my life, May 11th changed my heart. I never knew such a deep need for someone bigger than myself. I have never prayed so hard with so much faith. I don't believe I had ever cried so hard or been so scared. I don't believe I've ever grown so much in the matter of 48 hours.

Today, May 11, 2010 my daughter had her 4-year-well-baby appointment with our beloved Dr. Nale. Ella was pronounced healthy...isn't that just the gracious work of God?! I mean, no, she isn't "healed" but she's healthy. My baby girl who they thought would die 4-years-ago is healthy today. She's happy. The happiest 4-year-old ever. The girl got four shots today and didn't shed a tear...I think she should get a prize for being so brave. She does have to have a bone density test, but that's just to be on the safe side. Her scoliosis scan from yesterday came back clear. She's a little on the light side in weight, but you wouldn't know it if you tried to carry I'm leaving that one alone. She has increased her head percentile which means that her brain might actually be growing...GREAT news!

She's healthy and she happy and she is a blessing.