Hospital Soap

I wish that my blog was "scratch-n-sniff", I would link you to the smell of hospital soap. As I was leaving Ella's therapy today I realized something, all hospital soap smells the same...and it all takes me back to the NICU. Yep, 32 months later I can still conjure up the feeling of the NICU by smelling soap. I'm pretty sure that there is no way to add up the number of hours that we have spent in a hospital/doctors office/therapy location over the past 3+ years, but all of those places have one thing in common, a smell that puts them all in the same memory bank in my head. I wonder if the freshness of the hospital will ever fade, like the memories of my grandparents who have been gone for almost 16 years now, or if the memory will never fade because we will constantly be in the middle of the medical world. Today, it's fresh and smells like soap.