Family Reunions 1 & 2

So while Audrey and I was visiting my parents, we had 2 different family reunions. On Saturday night we went to my mom's sisters house for dinner with all my cousins and their kids (my 2nd cousins?), and my aunts and uncles. My Aunt J and Uncle T had never met Audrey before and we got to meet my cousins wife and her kids. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately I only got 1 picture of the cousins. My mom took a lot of other pictures though.

On Sunday, we went to my dads sister's house where my grand uncles and aunts were visiting and we had a huge lunch and a great time visiting. I took a lot of pictures there.

All in all it was great to see my family that I haven't seen in awhile. I can't wait to see them again!

At my dad's sister's house

4 generations (Nanny, Dad, me and Audrey)

Audrey tortured that poor cat. She's lucky the cat didn't attack her back!

A food-a-polooza! My Grand Aunt and Uncle from Seattle and Grand Uncle from Tennessee.

Audrey being curious as always!

The only shot I got at my mom's sister's house. All the younger cousins!