Our Beloved Katie

Katie has been Ella's Occupational Therapist since May of 2007 (here's a picture of the day she started at OCH)...she's leaving Our Children's House to become a Professor of Pediatric Occupational Therapy at her Alma Mater, Rockhurst, in Kansas City, MO. We are SO proud of Katie!! We have been there through most of her doctorate program, and she has been with us since we found out we were pregnant with Will...it's been a busy 2 years for both of us. Even though Katie was Ella's therapist, I considered her a friend. We talked 2X a week at therapy and we even joined her for some of her holiday parties. She loves the Lord and it was great to have someone of her caliber and with her big heart, taking care of Ella. Here is our 2 years with Katie in some pictures (not in order).