
It's not really an update as it is so much me saying I am doing so much better. Last week was tough, but when I woke up Friday it was a different ball game. I had energy, I could move without being in pain and most importantly... I could pick up Audrey! I think that was the hardest part about the whole cysts rupture ordeal, I couldn't really play with Audrey the way I normally do. Needless to say she spent way to much time in her exersaucer last week, but I made up for it this weekend! Anyway, back to the original purpose of tis post, I had some blood taken and am waiting the results and I have a few more follow-up appointments in the next few weeks. So again, not really an update, but I am doing better and I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support. I am so blessed to have a Godly bunch of men and women in my life!