Same Song... 2nd verse

So some of you may remember back in June of 2007 I had some problems with some cysts in my ovaries.. (Sorry.. a girly post coming!). This caused much sadness because it would most likely cause getting pregnant and staying pregnanat to be an issue. I know... obviously not because we have cute little Audrey here today with us. I digress. So in June of 07 I woke up and thought I was dying. I'm at a friend's lake house in the middle of nowhere and I'm pretty sure my appendix has ruptured. So the ambulance takes me to this rinky-dink clinic in Gun Barrel City, TX. They tell me all that has happened was a cyst ruptured, I was fine and here is some liquid morphine to make the pain go away.
Present day (last Sunday), I put Audrey in her exersaucer (thank you Lord for keeping her safe) and proceed to start dinner before small group. The last thing I remember was reaching down for the olive oil. The next thing I remember, I woke up on the floor racked by the worst pain I have ever felt in my abdomen. I army crawl to the place where my phone is and struggle to reach it and call for a friend "M" to watch Audrey while I proceed to die of pain. She instructs me to call 911 and says she will be there in 5 minutes. I call "B" and let him know I am dying and that "M" is coming to watch Audrey and he needs to be home RIGHT NOW. A little hard for him because he was over by the airport. I call 911 and she send the paramedics. "M" is at the house and trying to help the paramedics as best she can. I really scared her..... so sorry "M"!
After much poking and prodding on my abdomen they load me up and take me the hospital. That was the bumpiest, most painful ride ever!
So I get to the ER where I am denied pain medicine, ice chips and water just in case they have to do surgery. WHAT!!! It turns out they thought I had a ruptured muscle that would need repairing ASAP. I think. I can't remember all that much.
Anyway, 6 1/2 hours later, 2 liquid morphine drips (let me be clear... it was like liquid morphine... I just can't remember the exact name), 1 sonogram and 1 "exam" later they send me home with multiple ruptured cysts and to make an appointment with my OBGYN immediately.

I'll let you know how the rest turns out. Thank you so much for all your prayers and offers of help. They were greatly appreciated. "M"..... thanks for coming to the rescue of little Audrey and "L" thanks for keeping her company!