Thank you Baby Einstein!

I am so grateful for these videos! I had to go and pick Audrey up at the daycare today b/c she has been having some bowel issues (to put it nicely!). She isn't sick or contagious, but since it went on since the middle of last week I had to go and take her to the doctor and get a note to let her go back to school. Sure enough, Dr. G said that her issues were related to her medicine (I told the daycare this!) and Audrey was not contagious at all! Ugh! I DO understand why the daycare asked me to take her to the doctor and I know I shouldn't fuss about it. I just am way behind and was ready to hit the ground running today and the call just deflated me a little. Before you think I am a terrible mother.... I knew the medicine was giving Audrey trouble and I knew she wasn't contagious (I keep in contact with the doc!). Anyway, I take Audrey to the doctor and then back home to try and get some work done from home (gotta love the ability to work from home!) She wasn't really happy with not being entertained by me. So what do you do? Pop in an educational (I hope) video and viola! Peace and Quiet (to the tune of Beethoven) so that I can get some work done! Yeah!!

Ignore the messy office and look at Audrey. All I saw everytime I checked on her was the back of her head as she watched this video.