Joe and I took Ella to A Child Can Do All Things yesterday afternoon. It's an amazing facility in a very close location to our house. We got to meet the director, Karissa, as well as the Conductor, Timi. They don't call it therapy, they call it a method of learning. And the staff isn't therapists...they are Conductors and Conductors Assistants. When we got to watch the class yesterday it was one-on-one CA to student...which is great. It doesn't always get to be that close...usually it's 1-2 CA to students.

So, the details of our assessment. Timi, the conductor, warned us ahead of time that there could be a chance that Ella isn't cognitive enough to actually follow directions. They cue the child with directions and then if they see the child trying to follow the command they help them with the rest of the task. As we walked back, both Joe and I knew that Ella's cognition was low and that this would probably be our biggest task to overcome. While we sat and watched her walk Ella through different drills and commands, my heart ached for Ella to impress her (and even us) with what she did and how she responded. There were small things I saw that I don't usually even look for, but overall she was typical, smiley, happy, loving Ella...but unfortunately at a very low cognitive level. There biggest concern was that Ella would need so much more help being cued that the other kids.

Timi informed us that there was one spot left for the July session/camp, which is what I was hoping to get Ella into. She said that putting Ella in that spot will depend on their staffing. If they can hire another person or two then they will give Ella the spot (with the chance that they may tell us in 2 weeks that it's just not working out). So, we will find out in the next couple of weeks if there staffing will accommodate for Ella.

My heart aches. I want her to at least be "with it" enough to be able to follow instructions so that she can get the help we desire so much for her.

Prayer Requests:
  • That we will be aligned with God in such a way that my hearts desire for Ella will reflect His desires for Ella. (Psalm 37:4)
  • That Ella's brain will begin to heal itself and that she will be able to follow directions and think through processes (Matt 15:30)
  • "Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that's where life starts. Don't talk out of both sides of your mouth; avoid careless banter, white lies, and gossip. Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust. (Proverbs 4:23-27)

I want so much for Ella, and selfishly for me, I have to be reminded every day that it's not my desires that's the Lord's.