Changes, Changes, Changes

So there have been alot of changes going on around here Changes and some "firsts".
Audrey is 8 months old and ready to start crawling any minute! She is so cute when she gets on her knees and starts crawling. Followed shortly by a nose plant into the floor/bed and crying. It's tough trying to be mobile. She also talks so much. I'm pretty sure she gets that from me. She can talk the whole way to daycare, screech at her friends in daycare and then talk all the way home. I'm not kidding. The teachers at daycare tells me she talks all day and gets louder when the other kids are actually taking their naps. That's my girl!
I went on my first overnight trip away from Audrey. For 2 nights and 3 days I was in a pretty intense training in Chicago. It was fun, but I am not interested in leaving anytime soon. It was hard not seeing the cutest face ever! I'm talking about both Audrey and my husband!
Next, I said goodbye to Vivian. She has driven her last mile as of last Friday night. She was a great car and lots of fun (she was a convertible), but sadly, no more. Instead, we now have the number 1 rated car in safety........ a Taurus. It's actually a nice car. Drives well, very quiet, roomy and well... safe. I cringed every time we put Audrey in the convertible. The new car, not so much.
Tomorrow we get new energy efficient windows. Yeah! Maybe it won't be so hot in the summer months.
I have more, but I must save it for another day.