
At around 4 months Dr. G told me that I could start giving Audrey baby food. I had heard it was better to wait so I asked Dr. G about this and she said some babies have sensitive stomachs and need to wait for potential allergy purposes, but since Audrey has no known allergies and not a sensitive stomach that we could go ahead and start if we wanted to. I decided to wait until she was 5 months old before trying out rice cereal. I really think the cereal is just to get her to practice with the spoon. She did really well the first couple of times we tried it and then flat out refused to open her mouth when we tried a third time. So we gave it to her in a bottle instead. She had no problem with cereal so we moved onto some green beans. I actually remembered the camera this time so here is Audrey's green beans adventure:

Something new.....
Definitely not cereal....


OK, I'll take some more please!

Hey... I'm trying to eat over here!
