6 Months!!!

I can't believe Audrey is 6 months old today! Time has really flown by. It really does seem like she was just born a month or two ago. She changes so much everyday. I was looking at the first picture of her just moments after she was born. I still see so much of her newborn face int her face today. Obviously she has gotten bigger and her face has changed alot, but I still see her. Not just in the pictures, but in my mind. Sounds creepy, but true. The time I will always look back on and cherish with her was the first night she was born. My parents were staying at our house and I had sent B home for the night to get them settled. I was still numb from the surgery and couldn't move so I didn't really need him there. I know, that sounds horrible, but also true. So when the nurses brought Audrey in to nurse, it was just me and her. When she was done nursing I would just stare at her and memorize every aspect of her face. I smelled her skin, listened for her breath and watched her sleep. I even asked a nurse to come back later so I could have a little more alone time with her. That was one of the best times of my life. I will always remember my careful inspection of her.

So here we are, 6 months later. She is such a healthy and happy child. Thank you Lord!

Here are her 6 month stats and a few pictures:

WT: 16lbs, 5oz (50th %)
HT: 26 1/2 in (75th%)
Head: 43 (75th% - her head finally caught up with the rest of her body!)

Just born!

mastering carrots!

playing before bed

being forced to perform while not feeling well