48 points

That was how much higher my score on Scrabble was then my husband's score! Yeah me! I know you are probably wondering what the big deal is, but you see, I have lost every game we have played since we got the game for Christmas. Well that's not true, I won one other time. My husband definitely gets a strategy going every game and I don't really think about what I am going to do until it is my turn. Maybe I should re-think my strategy. Maybe not... after all I did win last night's game! Woo-Hoo!

As for the Audrey front..... she has been sick the past week and a half with a virus and an ear infection. We didn't even know she had an ear infection until we went in to get her cough checked out and the doctor said she had one. She didn't show any signs of being sick other then her cough. Until she got diagnosed. The she was a fussy pants the rest of the time. She also now has decided that 12:30 am is her time to wake up. Either that or she is having bad dreams. Does anyone know when kids start having dreams? She has woken up in the middle of the night several times screaming for all she is worth and we can't figure out what is wrong. Anypne else have this problem with their kids?

Well, that's all I have got for now. I hope you enjoyed the post.