4 YEARS!!!





Joe and I have been married for 4 years today. Anyone who knew us 5 years ago today (including our good friend Becky) wouldn't have guessed this day in a million years. We started dating 5 years ago on November 7, 2003 and life has never been the same. I met and married the man that God had designed just for me. He accepted me, flaws and all. There isn't another person on earth I would have wanted to endure what the last 2.5 years have brought regarding Ella, the joys or the sorrows. I look forward to watching him teach our son sports and responsible spending (because I won't!!). Most of all I enjoy watching our family fall in love with our Lord and Savior through Joe's guidance. What an awesome responsibility he has taken on and is living up to more than I could have ever hoped or dreamed for.