1st Trip

Well, I took Audrey on her first trip out of state by myself. Once we got there, we had a wonderful time! Getting there was a whole other story! A trip that normally takes 5 1/2 hours to drive took 8 with Audrey. Here where the challenges: Accident on the highway (not mine) delayed 30 minutes, I had to stop and pump, but Audrey wasn't ready to eat yet. Audrey was ready to eat later and took forever to eat! Twice as long as she usually does. Get back on the road and Audrey had a HUGE explosion in her pants. Had to pump again. Audrey is hating being in the car seat at this point. Stop to feed her again and hope she goes to sleep. No such luck. 35 minutes left to go in the trip and Audrey lets me know she is DONE! So we stop and I hold her and play with her at a truck stop/gas station for 30 minutes and then put her back in her car seat where she proceeds to cry for 25 of the 35 minute trip. Whew!
On the way back, simple. Mainly because my parents went with me to a town they used to live in and I stopped and pumped and they fed Audrey a full bottle that lasted her to McKinney and all I had to do was stop and nurse her for a little bit and then continue home. Easy breasy!

Anyway, we were able to introduce Audrey to my friends, grandparents, aunts & uncles and cousins. She was a hit! We didn't get to see everyone, but we saw as many as we could! Here are the pictures (some of MANY!). They are in no particular order.

Audrey's Great Nanny, Grandpa (my dad) and me.

Audrey had a hair-raising good time!

Aunt S (my dad's sister)

Audrey's great Grandma, my dad and me

Uncle Curly (my brother....he chose his name!) and Audrey

My 1st cousin "H" holding Audrey... she wants a baby brother or sister bad!

"H"'s sister "S" holding Audrey

Audrey's great grandpa (my mom's dad), my mom and me

"A" and "R" (my friend's kids). "A" loved holding Audrey
and kept saying how pretty she was. I couldn't agree more!

and last but not least, Mister. Audrey's friend for life!