Getting Ready

Today is a busy day for us. We have a wonderful guy who textures walls and ceilings and he is here right now texturing our front room, which will be the new office, the foyer and the nursery! I am so excited that he is here. That just means we are one step closer to completing the nursery and getting the house back in order. We have stuff scattered everywhere because all the rooms had to be cleared out so that the ceilings could be scraped (thank you sweet hubby) and then so Steve could come and texture them. If anyone needs a great guy who textures, we have someone for you!
Anyway, I plan on posting more often and with pictures. We have done so much in the past month or two, but I have been very busy with work and just haven't had the time. After this week things should slow down at work and I can begin to relax and get ready for little Audrey's arrival. Speaking of Audrey, things are going well. She doesn't have much room to move which is a blessing and a frustration. She used to move so much which would get tiresome, but now that she has stopped it's a little concerning. She usually waits until I am ready to call my doctor in near panic and she'll give me a kick or 2 just to calm me down. We have our last sonogram Tuesday to measure her weight. I'll try and get a good picture of her from the sonogramist (might not be an actual word) and post it to the blog.
That's all for now! I'll post more later.