So much to be thankful for....

It has dawned on me that I have so much to be thankful for. I always take for granted all God has blessed me with in my life. I have really been working on this the past few weeks and it has really hit home the past day or two. In regards to a previous post, I had to take a glucose test to see if I had developed Gestational Diabetes. The results are in and I have developed this condition. At first I was disappointed and then I became very scared. Partly due to all the research I have read about on all that can go wrong with this type of diabetes. So I started praying because I realized that I was quickly loosing my sanity worrying about all that can go wrong. After I calmed down, I spoke again with my doctor and she assured me we had caught it in time and that if I followed a new eating plan and exercise routine that I should have a relatively low risk remainder of my pregnancy. Yes, I'll be monitored more closely and hey... I get more sonograms out of the deal! I'm sure my insurance company is going to love me! Anyway, I am so thankful that I have a great husband who is willing to change his eating habits ( not that he needs to!) to help me, a great family who is always supportive, wonderful friends who are always there to cheer me on and a great doctor and her equally great staff! I am also thankful of all that God has done for me and all that he has promised me. It won't always be a cake-walk, but he will never leave my side and for this I am most thankful!