Still Preggers Sunday

I'm getting a little better at not pouting quite so much (my mom has called me out on it a few times now). I know that we'll be checking into the hospital in about 42 hours...ha, not that I'm counting or anything. We went to a great dinner last night with some friends (photo below is from afterwards) and then Joe let me sleep in today and he took Ella to church. I have to say, my husband is pretty amazing. He knew that I wouldn't have a lot of days anytime soon where someone didn't need something either during the night or in the morning, so this was a good relief to just sleep...not have to do breakfast or get anyone dressed or worry about anything. Besides, I love the fact that instead of everyone staying home he feels the importance of making sure Ella is always in Sunday School and never misses, we stick to that pretty closely. So, Will's not here yet, but he will be soon enough and then our quite Sunday mornings will change for a while. I just can't WAIT to see him. Oh, and I guess some people have asked what we are going to call the kid...I'm sticking to "Will" for now, but I catch myself saying "William" fairly often; Joe has decided on "Billy" and that's fine too. Honestly, I don't care what his nicknames are, except "Willy"/"Willie"...I'm not a big fan of those (sorry if that's your name). Till tomorrow's update, I hope you are having a blessed Sunday.