Mothers Blog

I would like to encouarge of all you who are mothers (or really anyone) to at least visit this blog, if only to take a look and help another mother out:

Following is the email from the blog-creator:

I have to create a website that has to deal with something we've discussed this semester for my women's studies class, for our final project. I've chosen to create a website for moms, with multiple resources to hopefully make our job a little easier... I've just begun constructing the website, but if you could all visit (we get credit for how often our site is hit, etc.---- as one criteria), and participate, too if you wish (and have the time!) would be greatly appreciated!

In time, I am hoping to have a network of mothers who can chat, create playgroups, or just share stories, information, and materials with each other. I hope it is something that I will extend beyond the semester and would love it if you all came back to the site again later to check it out!

Thanks again!

I hope all is well and you all had a memorable and meaningful Thanksgiving!

God Bless,