Overdue Day Off!

Yesterday I took a day off to catch up on being gone for the weekend, (I'll post more about the weekend later) and it was just what I needed! I didn't realize how tired I was. Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. I can't describe how much better I feel after a weekend to do nothing but relax. It was great. My house is finally clean which is usually the case, but Bryan and I have been doing a lot of remodeling and it was taking a toll on the house, especially the kitchen which became a dumping ground for tools, paint, trash, etc. It was a mess! Now it is an organized mess in the front room.
The bathroom closet is almost done - Yeah Bryan! - and the front room is about to be painted - Yeah me! I'll post pictures later when it is all said and done.

After cleaning the house and doing some other stuff, I went over to Kristen's house for lunch. It was great (Thanks for making lunch Kristen!). I got to play with Pierce and talk with Kristen for the longest time. It was nice to be able to catch-up on everything that is going on!

After I left Kristen's I went grocery shopping and then went home and made dinner and then relaxed in front of the TV all night!

I know it doesn't sound like much, but it was refreshing for me.