The reason for the Blog...

One of my friends came across my blog and e-mailed me asking why she couldn't see my personal information about me and why my blog didn't say exactly what all I was doing in my life. So I thought I would state why I started blogging.
I started blogging due to peer pressure! (Just kidding all of my blog friends).
Actually I started blogging as a way to keep my family informed of what I was doing. My family lives in different states and I am horrible at writing letters, e-mails and calling, so I thought blogging was a good compromise. If they want to view it, they can. If not, life will go on! Since most of my family is not computer happy, I decided to make my blog public so that my family wouldn't have to create a Gmail account to view the blog. This is another reason why my personal information isn't posted and will probably never be posted. I also like a little mystery. As far as work goes, I am in HR so I will not post about my job or frustrations with my job. I haven't made this blog knowledge to my co-workers, but it would be just my luck that someone came across it and found a blog where I blasted a bad day at work and then their feelings got hurt. It's just not worth it.
Another reason this blog was created was because Bryan and I were going to start trying for a family. That has been put on hold due to some health issues which I will discuss in another blog. So for all the friends who stumbled onto this blog and for any strangers who have also stumbled on it, this is why my blog is basic. Take it or leave it. It won't hurt my feelings either way!