Pre-Crazy Day

This is the pre-crazy day. That being said it's been nice to just spend time with Ella today and love on her...she's so lovable.

We met with the doctor this morning. We have an appointment tomorrow morning at 6:45am to have a scope of her esophagus. They will look to make sure there aren't any ulcers or problems with her esophagus function. While she is under anesthesia for the scope they will put in the pH probe...don't know what this will look like at all. We will then be able to go home after it's in. We go back Wednesday morning to take it out. I have NO idea how we will feed her or how it works...we'll give you all the details as we get them. Oh, they will also be doing a scan of her abdomen to see if everything is growing and placed correctly.

So, that's all we know for now. Please feel free to ask me questions and I'll try to answer them. If you understand any of this and can make it more clear then PLEASE feel free to do so. We have some wonderfully medical friends!!