no surgery till next week

We talked to what seems like 10 doctors today. They don't do the test Ella needs till Monday. So we are scheduled for a doctors appointment with the G.I. doc on Monday at 11:15am, then we will find out when we will be doing the pH Probe. The probe will determine whether or not to do what's called an antireflux surgery. The pH probe will last around 13-24 hours (grrrr) and then they will determine what to do with the surgery.

There isn't a question as to whether she'll have the g-tube surgery...right now it's so see if they need to do both procedures at the same surgery.

It's neat. I was just talking to my dad and realized that Ella has really been protected the past 10 months from pneumonia...the doctors have been shocked that she hasn't had any problems thus far...our God is an awesome God.

We'll update Monday. Till then we are just going to spend time as a family.